All supervisory and nonsupervisory employees must be trained. Nonsupervisory employees must receive 1 hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training and supervisory employees must receive 2 hours of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training.
Why this training is required: California takes sexual harassment very seriously, and it is against the law. Despite greater awareness of sexual harassment and its harms, many workers are still subjected to harassment because of their sex or other protected characteristic.
These trainings are legally required and designed to educate or remind everyone about what is — and is not — acceptable behavior in the workplace.

All AEBG employees will start receiving notifications from HR on December 11, 2020 containing specific instructions for completing the training. Certificates of Completion will be due by December 16, 2020, 9:00 PM.
What the training will cover: The training will include information and practical guidance regarding federal and state law concerning the prohibition against, and the prevention and correction of, sexual harassment and the remedies available to victims of sexual harassment.
The training will also include practical examples of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, as well as information about preventing abusive conduct and harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.